
Is it okay if I don’t know why I’m upset? I just completely shut down and not talking to everyone. What does it makes me? A fool? Or crazy person? It started yesterday. I went out with my sis and her bf. I wasn’t sure about what makes me feel so upset but it does. … More Foolish.

#PrayforJakarta and Capital Outflow Nonsense

Originally posted on Litter Press:
Sebelum memulai post ini, izinkan saya mengucapkan turut berbelasungkawa bagi korban yang meninggal dunia akibat serangan bom dan baku tembak di Sarinah hari ini. Mari doakan pula agar korban yang terluka bisa pulih dan pihak berwenang dapat menangkap pelaku kejahatan yang keji ini. Namun demikian, lagi-lagi insiden seperti ini menunjukkan…

Okay, here it is, my cheese opening line:  Hello, it’s been so long since I wrote something here! 😉 I feel bad actually because I feel like I just write something here when I have a bad mood or really have something to say. Sorry 😉 Day by day, I really think that people will … More

Why people tend to put their friends and girlfriend/boyfriend first?

Currently I have some things that (not) really bothers me and I think it’s a good thing to write. So this is it.. I know a people, she is a chatty people. She likes to talk and chat a lot. She has plenty of friends and she likes to go out, like everyday. Hmm, here’s … More Why people tend to put their friends and girlfriend/boyfriend first?

Memahami Pelemahan Rupiah (Secara Benar)

Originally posted on Litter Press:
(Revisi 25/8, 9.53: beberapa orang menganggap bahwa masalah reaksi berlebihan (a.k.a. lebay) pasar perlu diperjelas di artikel ini. Tambahan tulisan berwarna biru) (Revisi 25/8, 21:13: memperjelas bahwa industri yang terkena cacat bawaan adalah industri yang diproteksi dari persaingan dengan produk luar negeri. Beberapa industri yang tidak diproteksi malah seringkali dihambat…